I mostly use ceramic materials with my works. But I also like to use other materials to create different combinations in my works. I was using digital prints with my ceramic works together. Lately I started to work with other modelling and molding materials too.
I am trying to shape certain concepts and instant feelings with the expressions through my works. Sometimes with exaggerating the scene and using sybolic forms, I try to create a dramatic or humorous atmosphere. It is important to me to give the right message in the strongest possible form.
I use simple colors and matt surfaces, mostly the combinations of white, black and red colors, with my works. I use hand shaping and molding techniques together. I create combinations of unified pieces.
I think individual change and confrontation are so important. I’m trying to shape concepts and to catch instant feelings with the expressions in my work. My body of work illustrates both the inner workings and outward expressions of the human experience, and my personal experience.
My works are a kind of the physical manifestation of my intellectual and psychological curiosity.